Complications from Diabetes like Mental Health issues, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic Nephropathy, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Diabetic Neuropathy and Diabetic Foot and Diabetic Amputations are not easy to cope with on your own.

Over time with Diabetes, it seems as though one moment you can be a whole person and the next moment you could be blind or have an Amputation. It is hard advocating diabetes with all the complications creeping up on you.

These complications should be screened for regularly worldwide as standard practice with efforts being made to make multidisciplinary care seamless.

But they’re not.

Doctors don’t even let you know the complications of diabetes when you are diagnosed and just how important it is to get down your blood sugar and fast if you are a Type 2 diabetes. With Type 2, there’s so much we can do to become partners in our care such as medication compliance and with diet and exercise.

We sometimes need that fire lit under us so we know the repercussions of not being diligent with compliance to medications and especially diet and exercise.

Awareness is critical for compliance

Vision loss and Amputations are on the rise because there isn’t much awareness.

As a sufferer of most of these complications which clinically are known as non communicable diseases- (NCDs), as well as an Amputation, it has had a detrimental impact on me mentally here in South Africa.

But it’s not just me and not just here.

Diabetics are suffering all over the world, both young and old.

It’s time we have the conversation, Doctor.

It’s time for real diabetes care, I call truly “D-Care!”

D – Diabetes

C – Complication

A – Awareness

R – Risk

E – Education

This acronym encapsulates the essence of discussing diabetic complications with patients, emphasizing the importance of awareness, risk assessment, and education in managing and preventing complications associated with diabetes.

Doctors, talk to your patients.

Fellow Diabetics, talk to your doctor!

Let’s save life and limb together!

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