Hello my fellow PAD warriors.

Stella and I on our morning stroll.

We’re doing this even though I am hurting this morning and feel totally off, slept wrong maybe.

Confession of a Walkaholic!

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it…

Quality is not an act, it is a habit. …

Believe in yourself…

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. …

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.

We all here got PAD for some reason in this universe of living , now what?

“Keep living “

“Believe and trust in yourself”

“Achievement “that one extra step”

“What will I do today, not tomorrow”

“Believe you can”

“Keep moving forward”

“Action speaks louder than words”

“Focus , achieve , repeat”

“Live with a purpose”

My own personal motivation kept running through my mind this morning.

Each step this morning I just kept thinking, believe and trust and keep living, keep moving forward, I’m not dead yet!

Then it hit me again, everything I do in this life is always just “One Step Away” anyways!

Each step is and has a purpose for me today, not only in my daily life but today mainly in my physical and mental health today!

So we just took an extra step this morning!

~Stella and I

May be an image of grass

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